Green Campus

ACT is located in Western Ghats, the location has a celestial charm and it is a never ending source of fresh air to instil positive vibes. ACT holds the responsibility to preserve the nature for the coming generations through designing an eco-friendly and green campus and infusing in its confederates a sense of indebtedness to the nature.  It attempts to reduce carbon emission, to ban plastic, to design paperless campus and to contrive green landscaping.  ACT has a number of Environmental Forums (EvF) with volunteers to Green Club, Water Management Club, Waste Management Club and Bicycle Club to its credit.  These clubs create an eco-friendly consciousness in the campus through their actions and reflections. ACT conducts Energy, Green and Environmental Audits periodically.

Transportation: ACT reduces carbon emission through restricting private vehicles and promoting public transport.  The vehicles of the students are not permitted in the premises of the College building.  ACT encourages its students and teachers to use public transport for the reduction of environmental pollution and to avoid traffic jam.  ACT envisages the formation of a Bicycle Club whose members use bicycles for transportation. ACT plans to construct pedestrian-friendly walkways in the campus with signs and markings.

Paperless Administration:  Electronic Administration is maintained with necessary exceptions like Statutory Approvals, MoUs, Agreements, Account Statements and Legal Documents.  Most of the communications are done through public addressing system, digital display board, website notifications, SMS and Whatsapp messages.  ACT promotes digital examinations and digitalized assignments. Library has an ILMS and a good number of digital journals.  College Management Software is also another green initiative.

Landscaping:  The campus of ACT is dotted with trees, plants, herbarium, botanical garden, vegetable garden and medicinal garden.  About (100) plants of different species are planted in the campus.

Green Club:  Green Club of ACT has vibrant volunteers who passionately impart the eco-friendly messages through their activities.  It has active collaborations with Krishi Bhavan – Koodaranji, Forest and Wild-Life Department – Thusharagiri.  It conducts several workshops on anti-pesticide campaigns, celebrates Environmental Day, conducts trips to experience the nature closely, and distributes seedlings and saplings to the people interested.  It maintains a vegetable garden and vegetables are supplied to the needy people around. 

Waste Management

In line with its Green Policy, ACT practises 3Rs approach (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in managing the waste materials.  Waste Management Club of ACT leads the endeavour by active engagement and awareness campaigns.

Plastic free Campus: Plastic flex is banned in the campus.  The use of plastic materials is kept to minimum.

Thermocol free Campus: Thermocol is banned in the campus.

Waste bins: Separated bins are placed to collect bio-degradable and recyclable waste throughout the campus, and are disposed to scrap dealers.

Paper Recycling: Though, digital administration minimizes the use of paper, waste paper is recycled to form paper pens and other things with the help of ED club.

E-Waste Management:  Electrical and electronic gadgets and items are put to optimum use and their life span is extended by proper maintenance. Timely repairing and buying the gadgets with longer guarantee reduces E-Waste.

Trash to Treasure: Waste Management Club encourages innovative ideas in recycling the solid waste materials like Paper Bag, Cloth Bag and Paper Pen.

Incinerator: Incinerator in ladies restroom provides sanitized and technical disposal of waste.

Biogas Plant: ACT wishes to set up a biogas plant in the campus so that proper disposal of waste is done and its need for energy is met.

Waste Management Club:  The club initiates awareness campaigns and workshops to mould an eco-sensitive consciousness regarding the sanctity of Mother Earth and to follow those healthy practices in their life during or after their term in ACT.

Water Management

In line with its Energy Conservation Policy and in collaboration with its Water Management Club, ACT propagates the preciousness of water and attempts to preserve its natural sources.  Rain water harvesting, open well recharge, construction of pond, waste water recycling and maintenance of a flawless distribution system coupled with the awareness campaigns by Water Management Club achieve the goal. 

Rain Water Harvesting: ACT has a beautiful pond in its campus and it collects the rain water and preserves it for the hot season.  It wishes to harvest more water from the rooftop, to filter it and charge the nearby open wells.

Save Eravanjipuzha Campaign: The volunteers clear the premises of Eravanjipuzha once a year to facilitate to reinstate its natural stature.

Waste Water Recycling: ACT wishes to install a Waste Water Recycling Mechanism so that the water collected may be useful for watering the garden, lavatory needs and for other purposes.

Water Distribution System: ACT has a supporting staff appointed for maintaining a flawless water distribution.

Water Management Club: This club educates the students, teachers and other staff to sustainably manage the natural resource of fresh water and to protect the hydrosphere through various initiatives, workshops, exhibitions and campaigns.

Energy Conservation

ACT dreams to develop a civic sense in its stakeholders by imparting the value of economical use of power, by inculcating responsibility towards exhaustible resources and by educating them to opt for renewable energy sources.

LED Bulbs: ACT uses power-efficient LED bulbs to reduce the energy consumption.

Solar Power Source:  ACT wishes to shift to solar energy and if possible wheeling to the Grid.

Biogas Plant: More than being a tool for managing degradable waste, Biogas plant meets the energy needs of the institution.