M.Sc. Psychology
Bharathiar University
Month & Year of passing : May 2021
B.Ed (Natural Science)
Providence College of Teacher Education, Calicut
Month & Year Passing ; November 2012
Bharathiar University
Month & Year of passing : May 2005
BPHE Society's Ahmed nagar College
University of Pune
Month & Year of Passing : May 2003
B Sc.Microbiology
KSR College of Arts & Science
Erode , Tamilnadu
Career Profile
Devamatha College , Kuravilangadu, Kottyam
Guest Lecturer
September 2005 - February 2006
MES Arts and Science College Chathamangalam
June 2006 - January 2008
June 2009 - July 2011
Alphonsa College Thiruvambady
Guest Lecturer
December 2014 - March 2015
Assistant Professor
June 2015 - Continuing
Details of Workshops/Conferences/Seminars etc
1. National Seminar on Psychological First AId
Venue/Agency: Alphonsa College Thiruvambady
2. Seminar on Gate keeper training(Regional)
Venue/Agency : Psychology Circle & Department of Psychology Alphonsa College Thiruvambady
3. National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights
Venue/Agency: Department of Psychology
Alphonsa College
4.National Seminar on Scholar to Author
Venue/Agency : Department of Psychology Alphonsa College Thiruvambady
Duties or Offices held or holding
Member, IQAC
Courses attended for Professional Developments
1. One Week STTP on Trends in Statistical Analysis
REST Society for Research International(RSRI)
Krishnagiri, Tamilnadu
07 December 2020 - 12 December2020
2. Ten day Faculty Improvement Program on Research Methodology
Prerna College of Commerce, Nagpur, Maharashtra
01 July- 10 July 2021
3. Two weeks Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Managing Online Classes&Co creating Moocs 6.0
Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
05 July 2021 - 19 July 2021"