Dr. Chacko K. V.


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Dr. K.V. Chacko Kalamparambil

Principal Alphonsa college Thiruvampady. 

Holds a Doctorate in Physics and  retired Associate Professor of St. Joseph’s Devagiri College (30 Years), Kozhikode, Kerala, India.   
Completed SSLC from St Joseph's High school Kodenchery.
Did Pre degree from Christ college Irinjalaluda.
Graduated from St Joseph's College Devagiri.
Post BSc diploma with first rank from Department of physics, Punjab University patiala.

First rank holder and Gold medalist in MSc applied physics from Department of Physics ,Punjabi University patiyala.(1987)

Took Mphil from the department of physics and was awarded with PhD in physics from the  University of Calicut.

Joined in the department of physics (1987)as lecturer and  retired as  associate professor (2018) from St Joseph's College Devagiri.

Later joined as CEO of COD Thamarassey (2018)

Besides being a highly reputed professor of Physics in Devagiri College, he extended his services to the wide spectrum of humanitarian, social, educational, religious fields. His service involves: Chairman of Board of studies and Academic Council Member, St. Joseph’s Devagiri College; Coordinator of Distance Education Centre of University of Calicut at Devagiri College; General Convener, Western Ghat- Peoples’ Protection Samithi; CEO, Centre for Overall Development(COD) (2018-19), Diocese of Thamarassery; Coordinator, 24 Monthly Eye Camp, Thamarassery; State Vice- President and PRO, Association of the Kerala Catholic Arts and Science Self-Financing Colleges, President, Catholic Congress, Diocese of Thamarassery; Official Spokesperson of Syro-Malabar Catholic Church of Kerala and PRO of the Diocese of Thamarassery; Pastoral Council Secretary, Diocese of Thamarassery. He is a staunch promoter of Farmers’ rights and an ardent environmentalist.

Link to- Institute of food and agriculture ethics
Advisory-board member
Dr Chacko Kalamparambil profile - https://www.ifaeindia.com/advisory-board

MSc, M Phil, PhD

Experimental Nuclear Physics (M Phil) Air-Sea Variables and  Fluxes and air-sea  Interactions

Teaching Experience   
    a. Under Graduate level    :    33 years
    b. Post Graduate level    :    20 years

Experience other than teaching

 Guiding MSc & B Sc Projects. Research Work 

Objectives as college teacher

          Aspiring a challenging career as a Member in Higher Education Bodies /Scientist/ Professor  / in a competent and exigent environment, where my potential, team spirit and leadership qualities can harvest better outcome. Help to create a society fastened to values and corruption free. Create a service culture of more duty oriented rather than rights.

            To pursue quality education in the higher education field and to use the experience gained from research and teaching for training the future generation on this fast moving world of social responsibility, industrial necessity, economic growth and driving research query in them for a better nation building process with the expertise I have secured through these years of experience.

Orientation/Refresher Course attended

Orientation Course attended

 6th August to 1st September 1990 at Academic Staff College,University of Mysore.

Refresher Courses attended

        1) 14th july to 4th  august 1994 academic staff college ,university of Calicut

        2) 6th September to 20th September 1996, academic staff college university of Calicut

        3) 23rd October to 12th November 2002 academic staff college university of Calicut

        4) 23rd November to 8th December 2009.refresher course in Experimental physics at university of Calicut.

Seminar/Conferences/ Workshop attended


 ‘PORSEC 2012’ the 11th biennial conference of Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference Kochi, Kerala, India on  November 5-9, 2012
 Inter national theological conference organised by the Chair for  christian studies and research, University of calicut- Religions,Dialogue and society:Theological reflections in a pluralistic world; 3-5 december 2010
International  laity Assembly from 12 to 15 August 2009 at Kakkanad Kochi  Kerala conducted by Syro malabar Major Archiepiscopal church commission for laity
Participated in the Major Archiepiscopal Assemblies in 2010 and  in 2016.

1) Four day workshop on electronics instruments for physics and chemistry education by committee on science and technology in developing countries, Kerala State Committee on Science Technology and Environment, Institute of Human Resources Development for Electronics and Director of Collegiate Education from30th December 1987 to 2nd January1988 at Trivandrum.

2) Three day Seminar on Recent Development in Physics from 29th to31st July by Science and Technology Environmental Committee, Government of Kerala at Trivandrum.

3) Workshop on nonlinear dynamics on27th November 2002 at providence women’s College, Calicut-9.

4) Excite 2003,A three day seminar on modern trends in contemporary physics from 27th to 29th November 2003 organized by St. Mary’s College , Sulthan  Bathery.

5) Three week training program on Computer Office Automation during December 2002 and January 2003 by the Computer Training Centre of Devagiri College.

6) Two day workshop on 14th and 15th October 2004 Post Graduate Syllabus Training organized by the department of physics, University of Calicut.

7) Two day workshop for PG teacher’s 15th and 16th 2006 by the Department of physics, University of Calicut.

8) One day seminar on 26th June Multiple Intelligence Stress Management and Motivation skills by IMS Learning Resources Team on 2006 organized by Devagiri College.

9) One day seminar on Feyman’s Ideas of Computing on 4th January 2008 by Department of Physics Providence Women’s College, Calicut-9.

10) One week workshop on physics with home made equipments and innovative experiments from 29th September to 7th October 2008 at Inter University Accelarator Centre, New Delhi.

11) Two day seminar on restructuring undergraduate education in Kerala on 25th and 26th November2008 by UGC and ASC University of Calicut.

12) Two day colloquium on faith and youth formation, catholic response to contemporary challenges on 28th and 29th November 2008 by Xavier Board of Higher Education, Kerala at Ernakulam.

13) Five day workshop on restructuring of under graduate course and syllabus training by the undergraduate board of studies in physics ,University of Calicut.

a. 18th and 19th February 2009 at St. Joseph’s College, Calicut.

b.18th, 19th and 20th March 2009 at Sree Kerala Varma College, Trissur.

14) One day workshop on Introduction to Statistical Mechanics on February 2009 Department of Physics, Providence women’s college Calicut -9.

15) One day workshop on Methodology on Science and Physics on 22nd August 2009 organized by OPTIC and Department of Physics, St. Joseph's College Devagiri.

16) National Technology Day Celebrations on 4th June 2010 Organized by University of Calicut.

17) Workshop on ‘M.Sc CSS to affiliated colleges’ to discuss the modality and future syllabus on September 24, 2010 at University Department of Physics Calicut.

18) UGC sponsored national seminar on Recent Trends in Climate Change in South-West Asia conducted by Department  of Physics, St. Joseph’s  College, Devagiri, Calicut on 11th October 2011.

19) UGC sponsored National Conference on Climate Change Challenges and Strategies, 13-15 February , 2012 at Newman College, Thodupuzha, Kerala, India.

20) TROPMET 2011 National symposium on meteorology and socio-economic development MCRHRD institute Hydrabad Dec 14-16,  2011 Hydrabad

21) Climate Change Challenges and Strategies ,a UGC sponsored National Conference on 13-15 February ,2012 at Newman College, Thodupuzha, Kerala, India.

22) National symposium on ‘Coastal Oceanographic Studies Modeling and Observations’ on 9-10 May 2013 at Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory Thrikkakkara, Kochi-682021.

23) Attended the one day New initiatives meeting of Co-ordinators conducted by the Department of Higher Education, Govt of Kerala on 07.08.2014 at Govt Women's College, Trivandrum.

24) Co ordinated and attended the one day workshop for Co-ordinators and mentors of the Walk With a Scholar programme from 20 colleges in the Calicut , Malappuram Palakkad and Wynad districts, conducted by the  Department of Higher Education, Govt of Kerala on 16.10.2014 at St Joseph.s college, Devagiri, Calicut.

25) Convened and attended the workshops and meetings of the Board of Studies in Physics and Computer Application of  St Joseph's college (Autonomous) , Devagiri, Calicut.

Invited Talks

 Invited Talks on Gadgil- Kasturirangan reports -raising  issues  and anxities  of Kerala jointly organized by Society for Protection of Environment (SPEK), Kerala and Chavara Cultural Centre Kozhikode on December 5, 2013 at Amalapuri Kozhikode.
Invited Talk on ‘Western Ghats Protection – The Reports and the related Social issues on 18th February 2014 at Malayalam University Tirur.
Invited Talk on ‘Kasthuri Rangan  report on Western ghats’ on 26th November 2013 at Lissah College, Kaithapoil, Calicut.
Invited Talk on ‘Gadgil-Kasthuri rangan  reports on Western ghats’  at Calicut law college Calicut.
Invited Talk on ‘Economic aspects in Gadgil-Kasthuri rangan  reports on Western ghats’  at Malabar Christian  college Calicut.
Invited Talk in the two day national seminar on Man,Environment and sustainable Development in Western Ghats: from conflicts to peaceful coexistance ; on 23-24 of September 2014 at Govt college Mananthavady,  Wayanad.
Invited talk on  'family relationships and neighbourhood relationships'  in the resident association(reg no 117/2011)meet on 16 May 2011 at  IMG thazham, Calicut 
Invited talk on 'Responsibilehood  parenting' at  30 parishes  under the Forane Churches of  Paropady, Thamarassery, Kodanchery, Thiruvampady,Thottumukkam , Maruthonkara, Mariapuram Vilangad Thamarassery diocese on 30 sundays.
Invited talk on 'Duties and committments of parish trustees'  on 20th september 2014 at diocesean centre, Thamarassery for the trustees of 120 parishes of the diocese of thamarassery
Invited talk  in the inauguration of the Science Club of M E S Raja Residential International Higher Secondary School, Kallanthode,  Calicut on 10 October  2014
Invited talk on 'Role of Vincent De Paul Society members for the upliftment of socio-economically weaker sections of the society'  a seminar conducted by the central council for the unit presidents of  the organisation.
Publications of Books, papers/ papers Presented

K V Chacko, K P Chandrasekhar, et al ; One and two proton transfer reactions in C12,13 +U235 system subbarrier energies. DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol 44B pp198-199 (2001)
K P Chandrasekhar, K V Chacko et al; Elastic and Inelastic scattering in the C12,13 +U235 system subbarrier energies.DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Vol 44B pp196-1997(2001)
 K V Chacko, P V Harish Kumar M R Ramesh Kumar, Basil Mathew& V M Bannur, A note on Arabian Sea Warm Pool and its possible relation with monsoon onset over kerala. International journal of scientific and research publications,vol 2,issue 12, Dec 2012 pp – 286-289, print ISSN :2250-3153
 KV Chacko, B V Charlotte, G Nageswara Rao, V M Bannur & Basil Mathew ; Annual and seasonal variation of heat fluxes over the Indian ocean using OA Flux Data . International Journal of scientific Research vol 2issue 2 February 2013,  pp 10-13 ISSN: 2277-8179.
K V Chacko E K Simon , M R Rameshkumar & V Mbannur ; Inter comparison of Various Flux products- Proceedings of the one day UGC sponsored national seminar conducted by  St Joseph’s college Devagiri on 11 oct 2011
K V Chacko, M R Ramesh Kumar, P V Hareesh Kumar & K V Sanil Kumar: Annual and inter annual variability of Arabian sea warmpools and monsoon onset over Kerala,.Proceedings of PORSEC- International conference ;Nov 5-9 2012 Kochi
Editor of the published  proceedings of the national seminar on recent trends in climate and impact of climate change on south–west India organized on 11 oct 2011 by  St Joseph;s college ,Calicut
Editorial Board Member of  Malabar Vision – A monthly News paper
Editorial Board member of Devagiri Journal of Science
Membership in academic / other bodies.

Principal Alphonsa College Thiruvambady
Chairman IQAC - Alphonsa College Thiruvambady

Member, Academic Council of St. Joseph College, Devagiri.
Chairman, Board of Studies of the UG and PG Physics, BCA and B Sc Computer Scienc of St. Joseph College, Devagiri.
Co ordinator of the Walk With Scholar Programme of Higher Education Council (WWS) at St. Joseph College, Devagiri.
Co ordinator of the distance education centre of Calicut university at St. Joseph College, Devagiri for 10 pg courses
College Purchase committee member, St. Joseph College, Devagiri.
Co ordinator of the internal exams of the college, St. Joseph College, Devagiri.
Staff co ordinator of the Jesus Youth, St. Joseph College, Devagiri.
Secretary, Devagiri college housing society.
Member , College UG & PG Admission committee 2017-18. St. Joseph College, Devagiri.

Spokes person of syro Malabar catholic chruch
General convener -kerala karshaka athijeevana Samithi-a coordination committee of 61 farmers organization all over kerala
President of the catholic congress of the diocese of thamarasserry
PRO of the diocese
Pastoral council member
pastoral council secretary of the thamarassery Diocese since 2013
Governing Body Member of the COD ,Thamarassery Diocese.
Executive Committee member of the Chavara Cultural Centre , Amalapuri, Calicut
Working group member of the Kozhikode District Panchayath 12th five year plan.
General convener of the western Ghats and peoples protection committee-A peoples movement.
Joint Secretary of the Kerala Catholic Committee, pastoral committee of the KCBC. 
Member PORSEC- Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference
Life member of HOPE charitable trust, Pilathara Kannur. (Reg no 1821/2004)
State Co-ordinator of the ‘Employees Fellowship’-an employees organization
 President of OPTIC(Organisation of Physics Teachers In Calicut University) 2010-2011 and now a member of it.
General secretary of Alumni, St joseph’s HSS School kodanchery
Treasurer of Kozhikode Alumni chapter  of St Joseph’s HSS School Kodanchery2011 onwards


Academic Honors / Distinctions

First Rank in Post B Sc Diploma in Electronic Instrumentation, Punjab University , Patiala ,1985.
First Rank in M Sc Applied Physics Punjabi University , Patiala1987 .
Passed with first class in SSLC,Pre Degree, B Sc , Post BSc Diploma, M Sc and M Phil