Dr. Sruthidevi C.T.


    Asst. Professor
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Full Time PhD in Journalism and Mass Communication, Bharathiar University Coimbatore - Specialization in New Media. Research topic- “Knowledge Gap Hypothesis in the context of political participation of youth with reference to social media users”.
Granted ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science Research) Fellowship on 2015-2016.
Worked UGC SRF (RGNF) April 2016 to December 2018.
Granted Kerala Media Academy Research Fellowship 2020.
8 Yrs Research Experience (MPhil & PhD).
MPhil in Journalism and Mass Communication. The research topic is “A study of Perceived Effects of Online Newspaper among Youth in Coimbatore”.

Additional Qualifications

Diploma in Computer Application
Diploma in Photography

Paper presentations

Impact on citizen Journalism in Online Media and its Democratic Values in India
26th - 27th November 2010
National Seminar on Media and Ethical Issues
Periyar University Salem, Tamilnadu.

A study of Perceived Effects of Online Newspaper among Youth in Coimbatore
4th - 5th November 2011
International Conference on Business & Technology
FRI University Dehradun

A thematic Exploration on Social Media and Its Political Participation on Youth based on Digital India and Swatch Bharath Mission
02th - 04th March 2017
International Conference on Media and Communication Studies 2017
Amity School of Communication at Amity University, Rajasthan, Jaipur

Knowledge Gap Hypothesis in the Context of Political Participation of Youth with reference to Social Media Users
24th -25th October, 2016
International Conference on Media & Communication in Sustainable Development
Army Institute of Management & Technology Greater Noida, Delhi.

Testing change in attitude of social media users
NAAC Sponsored Two day National Seminar on Perspectives of Outcome Based Education (OBE) and NAAC Accreditation
Internal Quality Assurance Cell, K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) 0n 24th & 25th January 2023

A survey on social media encourage youth to participate in political discourse
ICSSR Sponsored Two day National Seminar on Innovative Start-Ups for Young Entrepreneurs in Digitalized Era
Department of Management Studies K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) 0n 23th & 24th February 2023

Research Journal Publications

A Thematic Perspective of Knowledge Gap Among Young Voters on the Basis of their Social Media Use
International Conference on Media and Communication Studies 2017
Amity School of Communication at Amity University, Rajasthan, Jaipur

Knowledge Gap Hypothesis in the context of the political participation of the youth with reference to social media users
Amity Journal of Media & Communication Studies (ISSN 2231 – 1033) Copyright 2017 by ASCO 2017, Vol. 7, No. 2
Amity School of Communication at Amity University, Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Exploration of the political participation of youth: A social media intervention with reference to Digital India and Swatch Bharath Missions
International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Corpus ID :158269194

International Publications

Longitudinal and descriptive analysis of Indian Online Newspapers
Published by: Media Watch Vol.3 No.2, July-December 2012 Pages 29-33
ISSN No 2249- 8818 Online
ISSN No. 0976-0911 Journal

Book Publications

Testing change in attitude of social media users
NAAC Sponsored Two day National Seminar on Perspectives of Outcome Based Education (OBE) and NAAC Accreditation
ISBBN: 978- 93-5786-224-0

A survey on social media encourage youth to participate in political discourse
ICSSR Sponsored Two day National Seminar on Innovative Start-Ups for Young Entrepreneurs in Digitalized Era
ISBBN:978-93- 5810-927-6


Quantitative Techniques and Applications
28th November to 7th- December 2012
Short-term course organised by UNESCO MISARC in collaboration with ICSSR, New Delhi
Pondicherry University